Friday, February 24, 2012

Non-smokers with aat deficiency usually ...

Emphysema is a serious disorder of the lungs. It develops when the air sacs or alveoli in the lungs are destroyed. This kind of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The destruction of air sacs prevents your body get enough oxygen, develops shortness of breath. Causes of Emphysema Smoking is the leading cause of lung disorder. Even long-term passive smoking can cause emphysema. Thousands of harmful toxins contained in cigarette smoke gradually destroy the air sacs and airways, causing difficulty in breathing. Prolonged exposure to pollutants, dust and smoke, both indoors and outdoors, can cause this condition. People with connective tissue diseases is a risk of developing lung disease. Emphysema may develop even in nonsmokers, which is the lack of specific protein known as AAT. This genetic disorder accounts for a small number of cases of emphysema. AAT is essential to maintain the elasticity of air bags and other elastic structures in the lungs. Lack of protein destroys the elastic structures, damage to air sacs, and leads to emphysema. Non-smokers with AAT deficiency emphysema usually develops late in life. However, if the smoker does not have enough of this protein, it can develop emphysema even in the 30's or early 40's. Signs of emphysema symptoms of emphysema develop gradually. Shortness of breath, especially after exercise, is the most common symptom of lung problems. This is accompanied by chest tightness, shortness of breath, chronic cough, fatigue, poor appetite and. Emphysema Treatment, unfortunately, emphysema can not be cured. By changing your lifestyle, you can cope lasix 60 mg with this chronic disease of the lungs.10 facts about the immune system Deep breathing exercises can help improve your lung function. Diaphragmatic breathing exercises are good for people suffering from emphysema. People who suffer from this disorder should be easy to quit smoking and stay away from pollutants and gases. Should be made to prevent respiratory infections, cough and cold. Although an excess of physical activity can exhaust you, >> << moderate, such as walking, cycling or swimming can be good for your lungs. Emphysema often makes a person overweight. Eat a balanced nutritious food to help you maintain your normal body weight. .

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