Friday, February 24, 2012

Autoimmune present somewhat more >>

, Immune system to prevent disease. Sometimes, however, it can cause it. >> << Hyperactive immune system there is no difference between foreign invaders >> << and its constituent bodies. As a result, he attacks

part itself. This condition indicates an autoimmune disease. >> << A common characteristic lasix drug heart of all autoimmune diseases, immune >> << system that attacks healthy tissues, thus provoking inflammation and

tissue and organ damage. Autoimmune present somewhat more >> << but it usually does not cause any damage. Autoimmune diseases

However, progress pathogenic state that includes a >> << immune system: antigens, antigen-presenting cells, T-and B-lymphocytes

, messenger molecules cytokines, chemokines and th

receptors and signaling molecules and kostimuliruyuschih. Until recently, >> << most common method for treating an overactive immune system

were steroids, chemotherapy and major immunosuppressants. However, such procedures are carried out with them serious side effects. More >> << effective treatments only target of the immune system

blocking specific molecules in inflammatory way. The first generation of these >> << therapy, primarily directed against the cytokine

monoclonal antibodies. >> << The most promising way to long-term remission of autoimmune diseases >> << comes with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCTs)

, the "reset" the immune system as a whole, replacing it Fresh

, cells. .

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