Friday, February 24, 2012

With frequent lung infections (acute bronchitis ...

The main functions of respiration is the process of exchange. By breathing oxygen contained in the air is red blood cells (RBCs) and exhale back Pdischarged carbon dioxide (emissions). contact between air and body occurs in the lung sacs (alveoli). alveolar lung internal surface of about seventy square meters, while as the skin is just one and a half to two square meters. emphysema constantly expanding airspace distal to terminal bronchioles accompanied by destruction (destruction) of alveolar barrier. total lung capacity in emphysema increases with increasing due to the so-called dead space, which does not participate in gas exchange.diabetes immune system Emphysema begins with the destruction of alveolar walls, where exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood capillaries. Reducing transport oxygen Clinically the disease manifests difficulty breathing (dyspnea) and cyanosis PTypes emphysema .. When it affects the entire block airways (slices ) In these cases, emphysema is often the result of genetic abnormalities inherited deficiency of alpha-1 antitrypsin This substance. protease inhibitor. Its function is to inhibit the activity of enzymes that destroy the elastic fibers in alveolar walls. alpha-1 antitrypsin is present in serum, biological fluids and macrophages and is a major inhibitor of neutrophil proteases released (while blood cells) in inflammation. With frequent lung infections (acute bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis) due to the increased presence of neutrophilic leukocytes increases the number of proteases and thus leads to increased destruction of elastic fibers in the lung parenchyma. level of alpha -1 antitrypsin can be detected in the blood. On the surface of the lungs and the cut surface shows a wreath of preserved alveoliP advanced emphysema around the central regions. respiratory bronchioles and involved mainly in the upper lobes. It emphysema in clinical and experimental smokers. Tobacco smoke causes leukocyte and macrophage chemotaxis (attraction of blood cells) issues incoming oxidants and elastase cigarette smoke blocks the alpha-1 antitrypsin. consequences of the destruction of elastic fibers and the development of emphysema. With this type of emphysema suffer only smokers. On them, but ..... only 15-20% develop pulmonary emphysema in 95% of patients older than 45 years, sharing the floor almost equally 54 8% of men and 45 women, 2% Smoking leads to:

- Defeat the balance between elastase and alpha-1antitrypsin -. migration of inflammatory cells from blood capillaries into the alveoli -. division enzymes (elastase, collagenase) from inflammatory cells -. oxidants in cigarette smoke inhibit the action of elastase inhibitor (alpha-1 antitrypsin) These two. disease and lead to emphysema in the so-called valve mechanism in inhalation (inspirium) in alveoli receive a large volume of air that can not be released after. Senile emphysema associated with atrophy of elastic fibers after 70 years. There is no destruction of alveolar walls. symptoms of pulmonary emphysema There are two versions of the final clinical version emphysema, and between the transitional forms that coverP somewhat range of symptoms. pink and flaky type of people with normal weight or thin, emaciated patients with dry irritating cough without cyanosis (blue in the face). They suffer from marked shortness of breath (dyspnea). blue and swollen type of people who are overweight, with marked cyanosis (blue in the face of the skin and visible mucous membranes). They cough accompanied by sputum and moisture. You do not have shortness of breath. for emphysema patient is characteristic barrel chest with a horizontal course of ribs, protruding over the field energy clavicle wells percussion soaked breath and decreased heart tones (due to overlapping heart swollen lungs). aperture low status and putting pressure on the liver that can lead to false diagnosis enlargement of the liver. X-ray shows increased transparency lung fields, with the expansion of intercostal spaces. pulmonary function (PFT), as well as analysis of blood gas composition accurately determine the extent of the destruction of lung pneumothorax, pulmonary hypertension from chronic pulmonary heart (pulmonary heart), respiratory failure treatment emphysema - .. Quitting smoking, dust-free working environment -. timely treatment and prevention of pulmonary infections. - In the highly recommended sputum mucolytic drugs thins bronchial secretions, and in severe cases, corticosteroids and bronchodilators -. oxygen treatment of Attention InPpatients R emphysema ParePabsolutelyPcontraindicatedPdrugsPthat suppressPrespirationP (morphine, Pdiazepam, barbiturates, sleeping pills) Treatment withPbronchodilatorsPand corticosteroidsPshould.! performedPonly be doctors-Pspecialists! Treatment withPantibiotics isPappropriate toPtakePplace after microbiological sputum examinationPof and preparationPof antibiohrammoy! Oxygen supplyPforPbreathingPrequiresPdosing andPconstant medical supervision, Pbecause too buy lasix 100 mg muchPcanPlead toPdepressionPof respiratory centerPand risk ofPrespiratory arrest. breathing techniques, which should absorb the emphysema patient to breathe with sharp lips (called brake on the lips). Thus, to avoid collapse of airways during exhalation so-called expiratory collapse. Primus breathing (fast, hard), should be avoided, this is means that patients must be protected from severe physical and emotional effort outbreak, leading to an increase in respiratory movements.

Removal of heavy metals in some cases, lead ...

While most consumption of dairy products and calcium in the world, Canadians are one of the highest osteoporosis. Drug therapy has significant side effects such as heart problems, severe inflammation of the eyes and osteonecrosis, a condition which causes your jaw to rot.

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Ironically, drugs can affect the structure of bones, making them more susceptible to damage than most common side effects of lasix untreated bone. With 50% of healthy women Canadian risk of vertebral fractures as they age, prevention of osteoporosis lifelong goal. Define your bone first step in prevention measure your bone condition. DEXA scan can determine how much bone you have lost. Urinary excretion of calcium and the level of excretion of nitrate by-product can provide information on the rate of bone loss. Good eating and activity Exercise and effective dietary program contribute to strengthening bones. The diet should include lots of green leafy vegetables and nuts. Dairy products are by-rating, and is proof that when you consume lots of milk it actually depletes precious calcium from your bones. The old adage BЂњuse or lose itBЂ "right on bone health. You build and maintain strong bones and resistance training activities. Test yourself with daily physical activity, to challenge the muscles. Strontium Rules Medical research over the past 50 years clearly determined that nutrient strontium as a standalone therapy can prevent and reverse osteoporosis. Therapeutic doses are safe and very effective. Additional additives with good bone building formula contains not only calcium, but some minerals are as important as calcium, which work in unison to maintain bone health. Removal of heavy metals in some cases, lead and other metals prevents the proper metabolism of bone. defines a heavy metal in your body. removes metals, allowing return to normal function of bone tissue. More complex decreases the risk of cancer and heart disease. often used to assist in getting rid of body toxins and pollutants. Balance Your Hormones in saliva and blood tests for estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and vitamin D reveals drawbacks associated with an increase in osteoporosis. After defining

adjusted to the natural hormones. Dr. Michael Platt, MD, an expert on natural hormones, stresses that vitamin D is an essential hormone for the treatment of osteoporosis. Levels increased to the optimum level (not the normal ranges of normal values) with large, therapeutic doses of vitamin D. Excellent training emulsified with revolutionary Power Plate vibration trainer

strengthens muscles and joints, improves lymphatic drainage, increases metabolism and fat. ItBЂ ™ easy to use, and each session lasts only 15 minutes. Positive results are achieved without pain and severity of conventional strength training. 6 months Belgian study 70 women found that bone density increased after exercise on Power Plate. Patients reported strong muscles and better balance, which reduces the risk of falling for elderly people. .

About 6500 of them were excluded because ...

Patients taking bisphosphonates after hip surgery or knee arthroplasty were only two times less frequently require revision procedure within five years, as patients not receiving medication, a review of British registry data found. Some 42,000 patients who underwent primary hip or knee arthroplasty from 1986 to 2006, 0. 93% of those who take bisphosphonates were revision surgery within five years compared with 1. 96% of other patients in the practice of the UK Research Database General (risk ratio 0. 54, 95% CI 0. 29 to 0. 99

P = 0. 047), said Nigel K. Arden, MD, MPH, at Oxford University in Oxford, England, and colleagues. The researchers estimate that treatment of 107 patients with joint bisphosphonates would prevent one patient from having to review, according to their online account

BMJ. Arden and his colleagues also found that bisphosphonates' apparent protective effect was somewhat stronger for knee arthroplasty compared with hip implants. The effect was more pronounced in patients with osteoarthritis, they reported. But they stopped at the recommended treatment in the program include bisphosphonates treatment. "If these results are replicated in other observational cohorts, randomized clinical trial necessary to test the efficiency and profitability using bisphosphonates before or during surgery implant to improve survival and reduce the risk of fractures," the researchers wrote. They also suggested that future research attempt to pin down subgroups of patients can get the most benefit from treatment. Because bisphosphonates inhibit bone resorption, it was suggested that they may delay or prevent bone remodeling, conducts joint lasix 40 mg iv implants in place. Arden and his colleagues noted that clinical trials were conducted with different results. None of them, however, use the following view as the main evaluation criteria. In the current study, Arden and his colleagues searched for British registry data for patients undergoing total hip or knee arthroplasty, first detection 48453. About 6500 of them were excluded because they were diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis were younger than 40 years, or had a hip fracture procedure to replace. Slightly more than half of the remaining 41,995 are hip or knee arthroplasty. Median observation in the study was 3 years. 5 years (probable deviation 1. 6 6. 3). Overall, from 1912 patients took bisphosphonates joint with an average duration of treatment 3. '07 (Probable deviation 1. 65 to 5. 20). Median time from first appointment bisphosphonates for primary surgery was 11 years. 8 months (14. 5 months before surgery to 39. 5 months). Among those with hip joints, bisphosphonates treatment was associated with a moderate decrease in the rate of revision at some point over the next - 0. 8% compared to a user. 3% nepolzovateley. In the knee replacement group, 0. 3% of users had revision surgery at some point, compared with 1. 2% nepolzovateley. Arden and his colleagues built a model adjusted for the likelihood that the patient will be offered bisphosphonates, based on age, gender and other factors known to be associated with the use of bisphosphonates. Results: HR 0. 54 (95% .. 0 29 0 99)

knee: HR 0. 40

hip replacement (95% 0 15 7 January.).: HR 0. 64

diagnosis of osteoarthritis (95% 0 32 Jan. 28.).: HR 0. 40 (95% CI 0. 17 to 0. 93)

Researchers noted that only 11 revision procedures performed on bisphosphonates users in the study (eight hips, three knees), it was appropriate for this subgroup analysis. Other limitations included immense potential factors and the use of incomplete and possibly inaccurate registry data. In particular, data not shown lateralizatsiyi operations, so it is possible that some "changes" were actually the primary procedure on the opposite joint. But Arden and his colleagues argued that their analysis is likely to be few such errors, because the overall level of review, they estimated were similar to those observed in the more comprehensive data sets. .

Autoimmune present somewhat more >>

, Immune system to prevent disease. Sometimes, however, it can cause it. >> << Hyperactive immune system there is no difference between foreign invaders >> << and its constituent bodies. As a result, he attacks

part itself. This condition indicates an autoimmune disease. >> << A common characteristic lasix drug heart of all autoimmune diseases, immune >> << system that attacks healthy tissues, thus provoking inflammation and

tissue and organ damage. Autoimmune present somewhat more >> << but it usually does not cause any damage. Autoimmune diseases

However, progress pathogenic state that includes a >> << immune system: antigens, antigen-presenting cells, T-and B-lymphocytes

, messenger molecules cytokines, chemokines and th

receptors and signaling molecules and kostimuliruyuschih. Until recently, >> << most common method for treating an overactive immune system

were steroids, chemotherapy and major immunosuppressants. However, such procedures are carried out with them serious side effects. More >> << effective treatments only target of the immune system

blocking specific molecules in inflammatory way. The first generation of these >> << therapy, primarily directed against the cytokine

monoclonal antibodies. >> << The most promising way to long-term remission of autoimmune diseases >> << comes with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCTs)

, the "reset" the immune system as a whole, replacing it Fresh

, cells. .

According to the national osteoporosis foundation ...

In any age

is important to maintain healthy bones. If you performed regularly as a child and young adult, you are likely to help maximize bone production, most of whom are aged 35 years. If you continue to exercise in middle age and beyond, you are likely to help reduce the risk of bone-thinning disease osteoporosis. But it's never too late to start healthy bones, even if you already have osteoporosis or are at high risk of osteoporosis. Although people with osteoporosis may believe that exercise increases the risk of injury from broken bones, however, quite the opposite. Regularly, properly designed exercise program can actually help prevent falls and related

, which so often lead to disability and premature death. This is because exercise strengthens bones and muscles, improves balance, coordination and flexibility, which is especially important for older people and people who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, the best exercises to build and maintain bone density is:

bearing exercise, such as that makes you work against gravity while staying upright.foods good for immune system Muscles, strengthening exercises, such as that makes you work against gravity in standing, sitting or lying down. Nonimpact activities such as balance, posture and functional exercise may also benefit people with osteoporosis. While these exercises do not build and maintain bone density, they can increase muscle strength and reduces the risk of falls and fractures. If you have osteoporosis or are at risk of osteoporosis, most experts believe that controlled weight-bearing exercise and exercise

is safe and effective. Studies in postmenopausal women, reported that aerobics, weight-bearing exercise and strength training can increase bone mineral density in the spine, and a simple program, walking can increase bone mineral density in the spine and hip. Before starting any exercise program, it is important to undergo a thorough medical examination to determine which activities are safe for you. There is not an exercise regimen that is best for all who suffer from osteoporosis. Each scheme must be specially designed for each patient based on medical assessment:

During the evaluation, the doctor will also consider any other chronic conditions that may affect your ability lasix without prescritpion to exercise, such as obesity, and. If you are at risk of osteoporosis, fractures, osteoporosis recommends that the National Endowment your doctor refer you to a specially trained physiotherapist to assess by physical exercises and recipes that focus on body mechanics and posture, balance, gait and transfer training, weight resistance and progressive . If your doctor determines that it is not safe for you to implement high-impact weight-bearing exercise, he or she may recommend low-impact weight-bearing exercises that are less likely to cause fractures, as well as build and maintain bone density. These include:

If you are new to exercise, or not done for a while, you should aim to gradually increase your level of weight-bearing exercise for 30 minutes a day for most days a week. .


The main reasons are unknown, but in the next

very strongly suspected of smoking, air pollution

infections, allergies, family history;

Hereditary factors (eg, alpha-1-anti - trypsin) failure). In emphysema, alveolar wall destruction and

resulting bronchioles lose their structural support. Thus,

bronchioles collapse when the air exhaled. In emphysema the air

narrowing the structural and permanent, unlike asthma >> << where he is working. The main cause of damage to the alveoli due to the

inflammation caused by irritants. If the inflammation long

position, permanent damage may occur. Inflammation leads to an increase in the number of white

cells and they secrete enzymes

(especially neutrophilic elastase), which damage connective tissue in the

walls of the alveoli. In addition, smoking affects the lungs

defense damage tiny hairs-like cells (cilia) lining

airway, which usually carry mucus toward the mouth and

help expel bacteria and toxic substances. The liver produces a protein called alpha-1

anti-trypsin, the main role is to prevent neutrophilic elastase

damage to the alveoli. However, in rare hereditary condition,

is a lasix 20 mg daily deficiency or absence of this enzyme. These people

, emphysema develops in early middle age, especially in smokers.


Non-smokers with aat deficiency usually ...

Emphysema is a serious disorder of the lungs. It develops when the air sacs or alveoli in the lungs are destroyed. This kind of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The destruction of air sacs prevents your body get enough oxygen, develops shortness of breath. Causes of Emphysema Smoking is the leading cause of lung disorder. Even long-term passive smoking can cause emphysema. Thousands of harmful toxins contained in cigarette smoke gradually destroy the air sacs and airways, causing difficulty in breathing. Prolonged exposure to pollutants, dust and smoke, both indoors and outdoors, can cause this condition. People with connective tissue diseases is a risk of developing lung disease. Emphysema may develop even in nonsmokers, which is the lack of specific protein known as AAT. This genetic disorder accounts for a small number of cases of emphysema. AAT is essential to maintain the elasticity of air bags and other elastic structures in the lungs. Lack of protein destroys the elastic structures, damage to air sacs, and leads to emphysema. Non-smokers with AAT deficiency emphysema usually develops late in life. However, if the smoker does not have enough of this protein, it can develop emphysema even in the 30's or early 40's. Signs of emphysema symptoms of emphysema develop gradually. Shortness of breath, especially after exercise, is the most common symptom of lung problems. This is accompanied by chest tightness, shortness of breath, chronic cough, fatigue, poor appetite and. Emphysema Treatment, unfortunately, emphysema can not be cured. By changing your lifestyle, you can cope lasix 60 mg with this chronic disease of the lungs.10 facts about the immune system Deep breathing exercises can help improve your lung function. Diaphragmatic breathing exercises are good for people suffering from emphysema. People who suffer from this disorder should be easy to quit smoking and stay away from pollutants and gases. Should be made to prevent respiratory infections, cough and cold. Although an excess of physical activity can exhaust you, >> << moderate, such as walking, cycling or swimming can be good for your lungs. Emphysema often makes a person overweight. Eat a balanced nutritious food to help you maintain your normal body weight. .

Those who want to be spared from the harsh ...

Many people want to build big, bulky and hard muscles, but few are willing to work for it. Those who want to be deprived of severity and severity of bodybuilding training and diet resort to anabolic supplements to do the job for them. Before you find yourself tempted, it is important to know whether to risk it. Since lasix 6 mg supplements are not, strictly speaking, be regarded as drugs, they are not subject to strict standards of FDA. Many take it as a kind of guarantee that anabolic supplements are safe for consumption. Before you reach the same conclusion, it is important to do your homework first. You should explore the potential risks, these supplements can have on your system. Only after you have reached this level of scientific confidence that these supplements are safe, you can afford to believe promises of marketing hype. What anabolic supplements? Anabolic steroids or supplements, synthetic testosterone, which allows the body to significantly accelerate its ability to build muscle in a short period of time. When a large number of steroids entering the body, it creates an atmosphere of a system that simulates the physical processes in the growth spurt during puberty. The growth of muscle is only one of its consequences. If you look at the negative side, you can see a lot of aggression bouts of depression, high blood pressure and possible serious liver is emphysema treated These supplements can also lead to a drop in the level of white blood cells. If this happens, your body is ill prepared to fight the infection. Steroids users also noted numerous cases of erectile dysfunction, while some developing unattractive man boobs. Studies also show that regular use can lead to lower sperm count and infertility. Cancer of liver, kidney and complications of cardiovascular disease is also some fear the long-term effects of anabolic abuse additives. Given the serious danger represented by these additives on human health and well-being, you can not mindlessly jump on the running board of steroid use. It is important to pay attention to the effects of short-and long-term effects may be on your body. If possible, talk with your doctor before you interfere with steroid seizure. Anabolic supplements can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Anabolic Supplements >> top. <<